Friday 17 May 2013

Methods that Lee uses to build up a sense of danger in chapter 10

In this passage, Lee builds up a sense of danger by using short sentences which increases the pace of the chapter. The short sentences are also quite threatening, 'Take him, Mr Finch' and 'Go on'. These are both sentences that encourage Atticus to shoot Tim Johnson and therefore add to the sense of danger. Another method that Lee uses effectively in this passage is the personification of time which 'slowed to a nauseating crawl'. This demonstrates the tension of the situation and the use of 'nauseating' seems to make the narrator feel sick making the danger seem greater. Lee also incorporates a lot of mystery in this passage. For example, the greatest mystery in this chapter is whether or not Atticus can still shoot. The tension grows as the reader realises that Atticus is planning on taking the shot and that he hasn't 'shot a gun in thirty years'. As Atticus's uneasiness grows, so does the reader's and this all adds to the sense of danger in this passage.


  1. Some thoughtful analysis here. For this part of the exam question you would be expected to write for about 25 minutes.
