Friday 17 May 2013

Chapter 3: Burris Ewell

At lunch, Scout begins to argue with Walter Cunningham because he got her in trouble, Jem intervenes and invites Walter to their house for lunch. Walter covers his food in syrup, this disgusts Scout but Calpurnia feels that Scout is acting very rude and scolds her. When they return to school, Miss Caroline becomes terrified when a bug crawls out of a boy's hair. This boy was Burris Ewell. The Ewells are very poor and unrespected in Maycomb. When she tells him to go home and wash, Scout explains to Miss Caroline that Burris Ewell only goes to the first day of school. The Ewells only turn up to the first day of school to avoid trouble with the law. On his way out of the classroom he screams vicious insults at Miss Caroline, causing her to cry.


  1. I'm enjoying your summaries. Would it be worth embedding quotations as you go?

    1. I will embed quotes on the summaries for the other chapters.
